Informazioni su W_FRANK

Nome francesco
Sesso M
Livello Utente con Voce
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Età 43
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Iscritto dal 23/01/2003 22:27:20

And that's the end and that's the start of it.
That's the whole and that's the part of it.
That's the high and that's the heart of it.
That's the long and that's the short of it.
That's the best and that's the test in it.
That's the doubt, the doubt,
the trust in it.
That's the sight and that's the sound of it.
That's the gift and that's the trick in it.

You're the truth not I.
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E' presente 1 commento al profilo
Testo commento

Nome: jenifer
Sesso: F
Località: new york

Il mio nome č Jeniferjohnson
ho visto il tuo profilo oggi ( e
divenne intrested in te, mi piacerebbe anche sapere che il pių, e ho
desidera di inviare una e-mail al mio indirizzo mail cosė posso darvi la mia foto per farvi sapere che io am.Here č il mio indir e-mail (
Credo che si possa passare da qui! Sono in attesa di tua mail al mio indirizzo di posta elettronica di cui sopra.
(Ricordate la distanza o il colore non importa, ma l'amore questioni molto nella vita)
contattatemi qui (

My name is Jeniferjohnson
i saw your profile today( and
became intrested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i
want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email addre (
I believe we can move from here!I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.
(Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life)
please contact me here (

Scritto il 04 Maggio 2011 alle ore 19:26:40

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