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Iscritto dal 13/01/2006 9:31:43

Ricordi che parole sussuravano le stelle che morivano?

i was dressed for success
but success it never comes
and i'm the only one who laughs
at your jokes when they are so bad
and your jokes are always bad
but they're not as bad as this

come join us in a prayer
we'll be waiting waiting where
everything's ending here

and all the sterile striking it defends
an empty dock you cast away
and rain upon your forehead
where the mist's for hire if it's just too clear
let's spend our last quarterstance randomly
go down to the outlet once again

painted portraits of minions & slaves
crotch mavens and one act plays
are they the only ones who laugh?
at the jokes when they are so bad
and the jokes they're always bad
but they're not as bad as this

come join us in a prayer
we'll be waiting waiting where
everything's ending here

and all the spanish candles unsold
away have gone to this
and a "run-on piece of mount on"
trembles, shivers, runs down the freeway
i guess she spent her last quarter randomly
i guess a guess is the best i'll do
last time last time
was the best time...
we spent randomly
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Sono presenti 2 commenti al profilo
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Nome: Giuseppe
Sesso: M
Località: ...Over th


10 km regalo

e se vuoi rik


Scritto il 09 Agosto 2008 alle ore 15:40:23
Testo commento

Nome: pupoOo
Sesso: M
Località: TRENTY BEA

passa per il mio profilo quando ti trovi :P:P:P



Scritto il 19 Maggio 2008 alle ore 20:04:40

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